Most people have forgotten that Barney Frank paid for sex with a male prostitute, hired the guy to be a personal assistant and then turned a blind eye while the prostitute ran a prostitution ring out of Frank's apartment. (Frank claimed he did not know his apartment was being used for prostitution, and he may have been telling the truth.) And all of this while Frank represented the state of Massachusetts in Congress. The House of Representatives reprimanded Frank, not for hiring a prostitute, but for writing a misleading letter to the prostitute's probation officer. Oh yes. And Frank used his congressional privilege to fix more than 30 of the prostitute's parking tickets
You don't have to believe me. Read about it in the New York Times and other respected newspapers.
Frank was on the House Financial Services Committee in 2005, when he downplayed concerns about the bubble in the housing industry. Millions of Americans suffered losses in the financial downturn of 2008, but not Frank. As Liz Peak reported in 2011, Frank did quite well during the financial crisis and retired from Congress comfortably fixed:
As a steward of the nation’s purse during the financial crisis Mr. Frank may not have succeeded, but he did quite well personally. Unusually, Mr. Frank’s personal finances sailed right through the downturn. In 2006 he reported assets valued between $525,020 and $1.6 million; by 2010 Mr. Franks’ net worth had soared to between $1.9 million and $4.6 million, with nary a down year in between. No wonder he can afford to retire.
Barney Frank is one of roughly 400 Democratic Party insiders who have profited from politics while the American economy spirals downward. And Frank's vote as a Super Delegate is worth more than a coal miner's vote in the West Virginia primary or a Walmart clerk's vote in the Oklahoma primary.
The media elites--all self-proclaimed progressives--have closed their eyes to Hillary's cronyism and self-dealing and have thrown their support to Bernie's opponent.
But I have a message for all Hillary's media lap dogs who are disparaging Bernie Sanders--Frank Bruni, Froma Harrop, Cokie and Steve Roberts, etc. etc. etc. Hillary Clinton will not be the next president of the United States. And the public will remember the journalists who were confronted with a choice between sleaze and decency during the 2016 presidential campaign and who chose to support sleaze.
Barney Frank, a Hillary Super Delegate, Accuses Bernie Sanders of McCarthyism |
Allan Gold. Frank Acknowledges Hiring Male Prostitute as Personal Aide. New York Times, August 25, 1989. Accessible at
Mark Finkelstein. Hillary Fan Barney Frank Accuses of Bernie Sanders of 'McCarthyism."MRC Newsbusters, April 6, 2016. Accessible at
Froma Harrop, Bernie Sanders and Racism Lite. Seattle Times, May 19, 2016. Accessible at
Frances Romero. Sinful Statesman Barney Frank. Time Magazine, June 8, 2011. Accessible at,28804,1721111_1721210_1883878,00.html
A Timeline of Politicians and Prostitutes. U.S. News & World Report, March 11, 2008.
Liz Peek. Barney Frank Won't Have To Worry About Money In Retirement. Fox News, December 2, 2011. Accessible at
Cokie and Steve Roberts. Bernie Sanders plays a dangerous game. Baton Rouge Advocate, May 30, 2016, p. 5B. Also accessible at
Waooow!! Nice blog, this will be greatly helpful.
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Bernie Sanders and Barney Frank both stood for public service, and we should respect their commitment. Encouraging open dialogue and understanding different points of view is a prerequisite for a healthy democracy. dissertation topics in business management Let's raise the debate and work together for positive change.
ReplyDeletegoruntulu show
No. This man should of been ousted from office. Bitch please you actually believe he didn't know. Barney is going to slide straight to hell on a greasy dildo.
ReplyDeleteI as one totally agree.
ReplyDeleteIt's fascinating to see Barney Frank's perspective on Bernie Sanders, especially considering the historical context of McCarthyism. Frank's accusations seem to reflect a deeper ideological divide within the party, and it's worth exploring how these different viewpoints can shape political discourse.
ReplyDeleteThe article critiques Barney Frank for accusing Senator Elizabeth Warren of grandstanding on Wall Street reform, portraying the clash as a reflection of broader tensions within Democratic Party politics over financial accountability. water heater repair seattle wa