Friday, May 10, 2024

A Zionist in Flyover Country

Like smallpox pustules, anti-Israel demonstrations broke out on college campuses all across America this spring. The first outbreaks appeared at the nation's most elite colleges but quickly spread to more modest institutions in the South and Midwest. Police arrested demonstrators at more than a dozen universities for trespassing or failing to disperse.

Some media commentators argue that the demonstrators have a First Amendment right to set up campgrounds on college campuses, ignoring well-settled constitutional principles articulated by the federal courts. Others debate the need for universities to divest themselves of any financial ties with Israel—an issue no one cared about six weeks ago.

Demonstrators seem to have forgotten that Israel went to war in Gaza because Hamas terrorists raped, tortured, kidnapped, and killed more than a thousand Israeli citizens in one day. They seem indifferent to the fact that Hamas still holds Israelis and Americans in captivity and that some of these prisoners have died in the underground tunnels of Gaza.

I am a Zionist. I believe that Israel has a right to peaceably exist as a nation among nations. Indeed, the United Nations endorsed Israel's right to exist when it recognized the Jewish state in 1948.

Hamas and its Iranian sponsors have called for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews. They are the Nazis of the twenty-first century. Anyone who supports their agenda in any way is no better than a Nazi collaborator.

Anti-Israel agitators demand a ceasefire in the Gaza war without even asking for an accounting of Hamas's hostages. Surely, they understand that a ceasefire benefits the terrorists and permits them to continue pursuing their maniacal agenda to kill every Israeli Jew.

In my opinion, the anti-Israel student protesters and the feckless college professors who support them fall into two categories. They are either anti-Semitic racists or willfully ignorant of the lessons that humanity should have learned from the Holocaust.

I have no respect for these fools. And I have no respect for our spineless President, who is too cowardly to stand with Israel in its hour of need. Joe Biden is our nation's Neville Chamberlain.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Met Gala: Half-Naked Influencers Preen While America Creeps Toward Collapse

Half-naked influencers preened at the 2024 Met Gala last night while a thousand anti-Israel protesters raged in the streets. One gala attendee appeared in a dress made of sand. Several men adorned themselves in capes, evoking Count Dracula.

These questions popped into my mind as I reviewed the outlandish Met outfits on the web:

How do these knuckleheads go to the toilet? Tyla, the sand-wearing lady, needed two men to help her up a flight of stairs. She’ll surely need assistance to empty her bladder. It’s a good thing we live in the age of gender-neutral bathrooms.

Were there any MAGA Republicans in the room? I doubt it. I’m guessing that all these clowns are registered Democrats and that many are big donors to Joe Biden's reelection campaign.

And why not? President Biden suffers from dementia, but rich people in New York City are getting richer every day. Bidenomics works just fine for the gala guests.

Are any gala attendees worried about the war in Ukraine? Absolutely not. Most of the billions Congress appropriated for the war with Russia will stay in the United States, and quite a few wealthy Americans are getting a piece of the action. Unleash the dogs of war!

Do any of these pampered nutjobs support Israel in its existential war with Hamas? Doubtful. It’s fashionable now to be a Palestinian supporter in the Gaza conflict, even if you’re Jewish. Don’t believe me? Ask Senators Chuck Schumer or Bernie Sanders.

The glitterati in New York City probably believe the road goes on forever, and the party never ends. But the people living on their Social Security checks in Flyover Country know better. Insanity reigns in the United States, and our enemies are waiting patiently for the right time to destroy us.


Tyla needs help getting up the stairs.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

"The past is never dead. It's not even past." Racism, anti-Semitism, and the anti-Israel protests

"The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner's famous quote reminds us that our daily lives are shaped by events and experiences of long ago.

John L. Rosove, an Israeli rabbi and humanitarian, wrote an essay in 2022 reflecting on Faulkner's trenchant observation. In it, Rosove recalled the tragic events that had befallen Israel in its short history, including the 1973 war—the nation's fourth war since its founding in 1948. He also called to mind the Russian Jewish refugees who fled to Israel to escape the Cossack pogroms of the nineteenth century.

"Memory defines us," Rosove wrote," and even if we do not personally experience an event, we can make it our own." Thus, "when we learn history and listen to the stories of our parents and grandparents, we take in their memories and make them ours as essential elements of our family story."

America is home to the largest Jewish population in the world outside Israel, and many of our Jewish citizens are the descendants of  Holocaust survivors. Whether we are Jewish or not, the Holocaust forms part of the American story.

I am ashamed of the Americans who participated in the recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses. At their base, these demonstrations are anti-Semitic; they are racist. At their root, they feed from the same putrid pool of racial hatred that fueled the Nazi movement in the 1930s. 

Years from now, and maybe sooner, the college leaders who  tolerate these vile protests and coddle the racist mobs will also be ashamed. Fortunately for them, most campus administrators will retire with generous pensions and can spend their golden years playing golf while they contemplate their sins.