Monday, September 21, 2015

Student Loan Crisis? What Student Loan Crisis? NAFSA Attendees Vote in New Orleans and Conclude That Student Loan Program Is Not In Crisis

The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFA) held its annual conference in New Orleans last July, and members discussed the federal student loan program. According to Inside Higher Education, NAFSA members listened to a panel of experts speak on the topic and then cast their ballots. "A majority of attendees voted to say that student loan debt, while perhaps problematic, was not of crisis proportion" (Stratford, 2015).

And of course for the NAFSA members, the student loan program is not in crisis. After all, they all have jobs, the colleges are getting their tuition money, and the federal government shows no inclination toward shutting off the spigot of student-loan money.  Someday the party will come to an end, but the NAFSA people are hoping the federal student-loan program won't collapse until after they retire.

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Michael Stratford, Student debt protesters crash annual gathering of college financial aid officers. Inside Higher Education, July 21, 2015.

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