"Ignorance of history," Robert Conquest wrote, "is one of the most negative attributes of modern man."
Indeed, among our woke politicians and pseudo-intellectual academics, it is fashionable to sneer at anyone who makes a historical reference.
Everything that occurred before the election of Barack Obama, our chattering class believes, is nothing more than the machinations and exploitations of racist, homophobic, and misogynistic white men. The past is irrelevant, and seeking wisdom from history is offensive to the uber-sensitive.
Ask AOC to state the dates of the Civil War and hear what she says. You'll probably get a sneer and no answer.
Ask Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren to define Operation Barbarossa, the Battle of Britain, and the years they occurred. I'll bet she doesn't know.
Now, our nation's policy wonks and military bureaucrats, apparently ignorant of history, are stoking the war in Ukraine.
As President Trump has said, it's a stupid war, senseless and tragic. The American public doesn't know how many people have died in the conflict because everyone is lying about the casualties. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that half a million people have been killed, and hundreds of thousands more have been maimed. Cities have been leveled, and millions of Ukrainian refugees have been driven out of their native country.
For what? To prop up the Ukrainian government, a corrupt and venal crime gang. Isn't anyone aware of Russia's long dominance in Crimea or the millions of Russian speakers in the Donbas?Barack Obama's State Department and his CIA destabilized Ukraine in 2014 and pushed Russia toward war. Hunter Biden enriched himself in Ukraine, and then Joe Biden, morally bankrupt and cognitively ravaged, shipped billions of dollars in weapons to prop up Zelensky's corrupt regime.
And Americans don't care. Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde, bleats about transgender children who supposedly fear for their lives, but she doesn't give a fuck about the Ukrainians, or at least not enough to mention it in her lecture to the President.
And neither do the folks in the legacy media. Do you think Whoopi Goldberg could find Ukraine on a map?
Please, President Trump, stop the war in Ukraine. If you do that, you should get the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee might give you Barack Obama's. He never used it.