Showing posts with label Hunter Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunter Biden. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Fat Lady has sung but Biden won't drop out of the presidential race until he pardons his family

The Fat Lady has sung. Biden will not be on the Democratic presidential ticket in November. George Clooney, Hollywood's operatic Fat Lady, wrote a New York Times essay declaring that the Democrats need a new candidate. Biden can say bye-bye to any more mega donations from the entertainment industry.

When will the tottering geezer toddle off the stage to spend his last golden years at Reheymouh Beach?

It's a certainty that Biden won't step down before his term ends. Although he vows he won't pardon his son Hunter (convicted of federal gun violations), I think Joe will pardon him, along with other family members and a large cast of friends who were allegedly involved in an influence-peddling scam. 

When he issues those pardons, Biden will be implicitly admitting that he was part of an illegal scheme to squeeze money out of foreign governments or their proxies. The American public will be outraged at the Democrats, so Biden can't release those pardons until after the November election.

Nor will Biden release his delegates anytime soon. Per his handlers' instructions, he won't withdraw from the presidential race until it is too late for the Democrats to substitute any candidate except Kamala Harris.

The Democrats have carefully organized this King Lear drama, and all the essential characters are sticking to the script. I suspect Joe and Jill are in on the gag and playing along until Joe can issue a pile of pardons. 

Spoiler alert. When this histrionic psychodrama is over, and Americans stumble out of the movie theater into the blinding sunlight, they will discover they have a new president--Kamala Harris.

George Clooney stars as the Singing Fat Lady.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Tar Baby Syndrome: Absent-mindedly, America lurches toward war with Russia

 A tar baby, in popular parlance, is a difficult problem only made worse by attempts to solve it. The term comes from an Uncle Remus story about Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit. Brer Fox smears a doll with tar and tricks Brer Rabbit into striking the doll repeatedly in a futile attempt to get the doll to talk. Brer Rabbit’s punches and jabs have no effect on the tar baby, and soon Brer Rabbit is stuck in the tar.

Ukraine is President Biden’s tar baby. After Russia invaded Ukraine last year, the President believed the Ukrainians could defeat the Russians if given modern weapons and training by NATO and the U.S. Army.

Things have not gone well. After 17 months of war, Ukrainian cities are in ruins, thousands of people have died, and millions of Ukrainians have become homeless refugees. Ukraine is an environmental disaster, with land mines strewn over the countryside and the lower Dnieper valley devasted by flooding.

And President Biden continues to punch the tar baby. First, his administration delivered ammunition, missiles, and javelin anti-tank weapons to the Ukrainians. That didn't do the job. Next, America and its NATO allies sent state-of-the-art tanks and armored vehicles in support of the Ukrainians’ much-ballyhooed counter-offense. But the counter-offensive bogged down, and the Russians destroyed many of the donated tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The Biden administration admits it can't supply Ukraine with all the conventional ammunition it needs to defeat the Russians. Thus, the President has decided to send cluster munitions outlawed by more than 100 countries, including many of America's NATO allies. Some call this move a war crime.

Are we done yet? Apparently not. This week the President authorized the Department of Defense to send 3,000 army reservists to Europe. This is in addition to the 20,000 troops sent to Europe earlier in the war. And Biden has promised to send F16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

President Biden is stuck to the tar baby, and the American people are stuck with him. I see no good outcome to this unfortunate war. Ukraine will never drive Russia out of Crimea, although Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, says he will do that. Nor will Ukraine recover the Donbas region.

We should remember that The US fomented this war in Ukraine when it helped topple a pro-Russian Ukrainian president in 2014, which prompted Russia to annex Crimea. Americans seem to think Ukraine is a democracy, but Zelenskyy suspended elections during the war, and his government is riddled with corruption.

This war is as stupid and unnecessary as the conflict in Vietnam or the First World War, for that matter. Yet Biden’s fight has broad bipartisan support in Congress and the mainstream media. No one seems concerned by recent disclosures that Hunter Biden has taken money from the UkrainiansNobody seems worried that an amoral octogenarian suffering from dementia is determining American war policy.

Some policy experts think the Ukrainian war will eventually destroy the Russian economy and force Putin out of power. I don't think so. NPR reported last April that the Russian ruble was the world's top-performing currency

No, it is the American economy that is most threatened by the Ukrainian shit show. By the time this tragedy winds down, the dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency. We will be fortunate if we can get out of this mess without going to war with Russia.

Friday, January 31, 2020

I fell asleep during the Impeachment movie. Did I miss anything?

Like millions of Americans, I watched Impeachment, The Movie. Unfortunately, I fell asleep near the end, and when I woke up, I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on.

In my own defense, Impeachment was a very long movie--more than three years, almost as long as Once Upon a Time In Hollywood.  I got up to go to the bathroom during the Mueller investigation, and I never got back on track.

And of course, when a movie is three years long, you gotta have some popcorn. I was smart enough to buy the Value Tub--the one that gives you unlimited refills. It was expensive--$250 plus tax, but I got 127 refills, so it was a pretty good deal.

But the popcorn breaks added to my confusion. I missed parts of the movie when I was making all those trips to the concession counter.

So fill me in. I thought the Mueller investigation concluded that Trump was not guilty of colluding with the Russians, but later in the movie, Hillary Clinton said that he was.

And then Trump was accused of making an illegal phone call to the president of Ukraine. And that had something to do with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and all the rest of Biden's children. But that was never explained.

But here's the part that really befuddled me.  The impeachment trial in the Senate was triggered by an anonymous whistleblower whose name was never revealed.  And Representative Adam Schiff, the chief prosecutor, claimed he had never met the guy.  Huh? To me, that part of the movie just wasn't believable.

Obviously, the director of the movie, Nancy Pelosi (who played herself in the film), should have cut a lot of the scenes. In my opinion, the movie could have been cut down to about a year and a half.

And there were casting errors.  The guy who played Robert Mueller was obviously miscast. He was supposed to be this bulldog investigator with ironclad integrity, but he came off as some sleepy old guy who was trying to find the remote on his television.

I tell you this--I am not going to watch that movie again. I'm too old to watch three-year movies.

But I'm pumped about the sequel, which comes out next summer--Impeachment: The Empire Strikes Back! This one is about the expulsion of Adam Schiff from the House of Representatives, and Joaquin Phoenix plays Shiff wearing Joker makeup.

I can't wait to see it, and I understand it's only about two months long.

Joaquin Phoenix playing Adam Schiff in Impeachment: The Empire Strikes Back

This essay is also posted at my blog site on American culture: Saints of Flyover