Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2017

Senator Charles Schumer cries bitter tears over Trump's travel ban on people coming to U.S. from countries that export terror: Where are the grownups?

I knew in my heart that President Trump had done a bad thing--a terrible thing--when he imposed a temporary ban on people traveling to the U.S. from countries that export terrorism. But I did not grasp the enormity of his iniquity until I saw Senator Charles Schumer break down in sobs over Trump's foul deed.

After all, as President Trump admitted, Senator Schumer is not a crier. He has witnessed some truly awful things during his long political career. Yet he never broke down--not once.

Senator Schumer was dry-eyed after the San Bernardino shootings and the Orlando massacre. I don't think he shed a single tear after the Russians shot down that airliner in Ukraine. As far as I know, Senator Schumer kept a stiff upper lip after the terrorists killing sprees in Paris, Brussels, and Nice.

So why did President Trump's executive order--his ill advised and poorly implemented executive order--cause Schumer to go into near hysterics?

I do not; I honestly do not know.

But this I do know. This country has some serious problems, and only grownups can solve them. And here are just a few of them:
  • The number of Americans on food stamps grew by almost 20 million people over the last eight years.
  • Accumulated student-loan debt has reached $1.4 trillion, and 8 million people are in default.
  • Mortality rates for working class Americans have spiked upward, driven by suicide and deaths related to drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Suicide rates among middle-aged people have gone up alarmingly, and crushing personal debt may be a factor.
But let's not cry about this sad news. Let's do something about it. So please, Senator Schumer, treat yourself to a nice long cry and then go back to work.

I assure you, Senator Schumer, if you begin acting like a grownup and start working on the nation's problems, you will feel much better. On the other hand, if you break down in tears every time President Trump does something you don't like, you're going to need a lot of handkershiefs.

People acting like grownups after the San Bernardino shooting


Alan Bjerga. Food Stamps Still Feed One in Seven Americans Despite Recovery,, February 3, 2016.

Jillian Berman. When your Social Security check disappears because of an old student loanMarketWatch, June 25, 2015.  Accessible at:

Anne  Case and Angus Deaton. Rising morbidity and mortality in midlife among white
non-Hispanic Americans in the 21st century.  Accessible at:

Editorial. Death AmongMiddle Aged Whites. New York Times, November 5, 2015.

General Accounting Office. Older Americans: Inability to Repay Student Loans May Affect Financial Security of a Small Percentage of Borrowers. GAO-14-866T. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office.

Katherine A. Hempstead and Julie A. Phillips. Rising Suicide Among Adults Aged
40–64 Years: The Role of Job and Financial Circumstances.  American Journal of Preventive Medicine 84(5):491-500 (2015).

Gina Kolata. Deaths Rates Rising Middle-Aged White Americans, Study FindsNew York Times, November 3, 2015.

Betsy McKay. The Death Rate Is Rising for Middle-Aged WhitesWall Street Journal, November 3, 2015.