Monday, July 29, 2024

Anti-Israel protesters on American college campuses: Are they Neo-Nazis?

 Nothing has surprised me more in recent months than the rise of anti-Semitism in America. Anti-Jewish bigotry seemed to appear out of nowhere after Hamas terrorists slithered out of Gaza to butcher 1200 Israelis on October 7, 2023. 

Israel retaliated vigorously and has been fighting Hamas in the streets of Gaza for the last nine months.  Not surprisingly, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to destroy Hamas and to rescue more than 200 hostages it had kidnapped, including seven American citizens. 

Suddenly, faux-liberal college students and professors began protesting on behalf of the Palestinians, who have suffered greatly in the Gaza conflict due to the Hamas presence in their midst. Protesters camped out on campus lawns, vandalized college buildings, and occasionally scuffled with the police--all to show their support for the people of Gaza. 

It quickly became evident that these protesters were not animated by a humanitarian spirit; their graffiti, protest signs, and declared goals showed many of them to be Jew haters--neo-Nazis.

Americans should be frightened by the sudden rise of anti-Semitism in higher education. Curiously, it seems most vehement at our nation's most elite schools: Harvard, Columbia, and UCLA, among others. Although hundreds of these bigots were arrested, many were released because spineless prosecutors declined to press charges against them.

No one deigns to study history anymore. Woke college students and professors dismiss events of the past as irrelevant--just a bunch of folklore about white racists.

That's a mistake because history contains lessons that help us interpret current events. Anti-Israel protests in our own country are remarkably similar to events in Europe as the Nazis rose to power-- and not just in Germany.

Historian Ezra Mendelsohn wrote that universities in pre-war Eastern Europe established "ghetto benches" and required  Jewish students "to attend lectures in segregated areas of the classroom." 

Encouraged by Hitler's persecution of Jews in Germany, Mendelsohn noted, "universities [in East Central Europe] "became centers of anti-Jewish agitation and riots, much of it in emulation of the Nazis." And commencing in 1937, "physical attacks against Jewish students became ever more common, and several Jewish students were actually murdered."

Make no mistake. The people who are engaging in violent anti-Israel attacks on our nation's college campuses are neo-Nazis.

And there is a name for the Jewish politicians who encourage these outbreaks of racist violence by not speaking out against it and by undermining Israel in its existential war against bestial Islamic terrorism. The word is kapo.

What is a kapo? Historically, a kapo was a Jewish concentration camp prisoner who collaborated with the Nazis during World War to control fellow Jewish inmates. Who says history doesn't repeat itself?

Photo credit: The Telegraph

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