Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Administrative bloat at American universities: Why it costs so much to go to college

 During my years at the University of Houston, I parked my modest Honda in the faculty parking lot next to other modest cars driven by UH professors--mostly Hondas, Toyotas, Nissans, and Fords.

Then I would walk through the parking lot reserved for administrators, and all the vehicles were luxury cars: Audis, Lexuses, BMWs, and expensive SUVs. Those cars reminded me of the university's priorities--and they didn't include teaching. 

I finished my career at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where I volunteered to teach a class of first-year students. I remember a young freshman telling me that my class was his only class taught by a professor. His other teachers were poorly paid adjuncts and instructors who weren't even earning a living wage.  

Yesterday, Robert Kuttner posted an article pointing out that administrative bloat is a significant reason college tuition prices keep going up. He pointed out that Harvard has thirteen vice presidents. 

Mr. Kuttner is right. Universities are crammed full of administrators packed like sardines in campus administration buildings. Vice presidents for technology, enrollment management, diversity, and fundraising. Deans in charge of fraternity and sorority affairs, directors in charge of investigating sexual misconduct, associate deans to generate the paperwork demanded by the various accrediting bodies. And on and on.

Most of these bureaucrats make more money than associate professors. Administrative ranks are growing while universities shift more and more teaching to part-time instructors who are paid a pittance and don't get health insurance or retirement benefits.

"Executive bloat," Kuttner observed, "has gone hand in hand with the usurpation of the historical role of the faculty as the university's governing body, in favor of a corporate model."  Again, Kuttner is right.

Today's professors have very little say about how the universities are run. Faculty senates are purely advisory bodies and have about as much power as the Reichstag had when Hitler was Chancellor of Germany.

Kuttner suggests that the federal government limit college's non-instructional costs. The money spent on administrators cannot exceed a set ratio compared to instructional costs. That's a great idea, but the universities won't stand for such a rule. 

 Kuttner compares modern universities to hedge funds. But I think of them more like medieval fiefdoms where administrators lord it over student peasants who are forced to pay annual tribute to the manor lord with money borrowed from Uncle Sam.

image credit: Medievalists.net

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Princeton bars students from leaving Mercer County: False Imprisonment?

You've seen those old crime movies. Detectives wearing fedoras arrive unannounced at some poor schmuck's home and accuse the guy of committing murder.

"Am I under arrest?" the schmuck askes nervously.

"Not yet," a detective snarls, "but don't leave town."

American universities are beginning to act like movie detectives. To stem the tide of COVID, they have become dictatorial and autocratic.  Last December, hundreds of students were quarantined in their dorm rooms and forbidden to walk their campuses due to the COVID crisis.

For example, the Washington Post recently reported on Oscar Lloyd, an undergraduate at Columbia University, who was isolated in a cell-like room for ten days after testing positive for COVID. The university fed him and presumably let him out to shower, but he was not allowed to leave his assigned room to exercise. His life for ten days must have been very much like being in jail.

And at Princeton, the university recently took the extraordinary step of confining all students within the boundaries of Mercer County, where Princeton is located.  

What will happen if a Princeton student breaks out of stir and makes a run for Hoboken? Will the campus police pursue him, sirens wailing and guns blazing, like a scene from a Jimmy Cagney movie?

False imprisonment is a civil offense under the common law. According to the Restatement (Second) of Tortspeople are subject to liability for false imprisonment if they confine a person within fixed boundaries against that person's will and the confined person knows he is confined. 

Can universities be sued for false imprisonment when they quarantine their students? I doubt it.

After all, the detained student can always elect to drop out of school and leave the campus. And a genuine health emergency can sometimes justify draconian measures.

Nevertheless, the COVID pandemic is in its second year, and colleges and universities are becoming increasingly inhospitable and tyrannical. 

In my view, elite colleges can't justify tuition rates at extortion levels while forcing their students to take online classes, submit to being quarantined, or be restricted from moving freely when they are off-campus.

It costs students almost $80,000 a year to study at Princeton. Do you think a student laying out that kind of bread wants to be confined to Mercer County?

You're not under arrest yet, but don't leave Mercer County.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Is 2022 the year when young people should postpone college?

 "Nobody thinks of anything as long as his luck is good," Kurt Vonnegut observed in one of his novels.  "Why should he?"

American colleges have had a remarkable run of good luck. For half a century, they've enjoyed a steady supply of students and a cornucopia of federal money flowing into their coffers. International students flocked to American universities in ever larger numbers, and they obligingly paid their tuition bills with no complaints about the cost.

Salaries for university presidents rose ever upward, and administrative staffs became more and more bloated with overpaid administrators--vice presidents and associate vice presidents, deans and associate deans, provosts, and executive vice provosts.  

Universities launched aggressive building programs: luxury dorms, ostentatious athletic facilities, world-class student recreation centers.  Wealthy alumni made fat contributions to have their names on all these gleaming edifices.

Tuition went up every year to pay for all this, but students paid their bills with federal and private student loans, and no one complained. 

Those were the gravy days!  

Then, in March 2020, the black swan arrived. COVID swept across the country, forcing universities to close their campuses. College leaders shuttered all those glittering student rec centers, emptied out the posh student dorms, and canceled college sporting events. 

Still, no worries. The coronavirus pandemic wouldn't last forever. How could it? In a year or so, the crisis would be over, and everything would be back to normal in the halcyon world of academe.

In fact, University leaders patted themselves on the back for responding to the pandemic so nimbly. In a matter of days, virtually every college in America had kicked their students off-campus and forced them to finish the spring semester by taking courses on their home computers. 

But students weren't happy about taking classes online, and they filed hundreds of lawsuits, demanding refunds for their tuition and fees. More than 300 lawsuits were filed.

And the COVID virus did not go away. In fact, many American schools are starting the 2022 spring semester with online classes--even such snooty joints as Harvard. Stanford and Georgetown.

Now student enrollments are declining--especially in the for-profit sector, the community colleges, and the non-elite private schools. For reasons that college presidents can't seem to understand, students don't want to pay $70,000 a year to attend online classes from the parents' basements.

In addition, universities across the country have been mired in scandals and litigation: sexual misconduct by varsity athletes, bribery in the admissions offices, and accusations of race discrimination.

In sum, American higher education's run of good luck has run dry.

So, if you are a young person, is 2022 a good year to postpone going to college? A good year to let things settle down?

I think it is. Unless you clearly understand how your college education will improve your life, don't take out crushing student loans to pay tuition at a college that won't let you on its campus.

Just leave your tuition check on the doorstep.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Why Doesn't the Federal Government Just Cancel All Student Debt? To Find the Answer, Take a Look at Our National Balance Sheet

 When Joe Biden was running for President, he said he would cancel $10,000 of every college borrower's student debt if Congress consented. But Congress hasn't acted.

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Charles Schumer have urged President Biden to cancel $50,000 of every borrower's federal student loans, saying he has the executive power to do so. But that hasn't happened either.

Why not? Given the hardship that student debtors are experiencing--especially since the COVID crisis began--why not just wipe the slate clean and cancel all $1.7 trillion in federal student debt?

In my opinion, President Biden and most members of Congress would like to cancel all student debt. After all, there are about 45 million student borrowers, and canceling their student loans would make them all very happy. 

But Congress can't do that, and neither can President Biden. And here's why.

Student loans are carried on the nation's balance sheet as assets. As of September 30, 2020, the United States held almost $6 trillion in assets, and about a quarter of that amount is listed as outstanding student loans. 

As of September of last year, total national liabilities amounted to roughly $32 trillion, resulting in a national debt of around $26 trillion (give or take a few trillion).

Thus, if Congress simply wiped out all those student loans or President Biden canceled them through executive action, the nation's balance sheet would look significantly worse than it already does.  Instead of holding total assets of $6 trillion, our government would have only a little more than $4 billion.

Simply put, the federal government pretends that all that student-loan debt--closing in on $2 trillion--will be paid back.  And that fiction cannot be maintained if Congress wipes out all student debt or allows large numbers of distressed debtors to discharge their student loans in bankruptcy 

If you are a student-loan debtor, you have benefited from the moratorium on making monthly loan payments--a moratorium that won't be lifted until May 2022.

But just because you haven't made any student-loan payments over the past two years, don't get your hopes up that Congress will simply forgive all federal student debt.  It won't do it because it can't do it. The Federal government's balance sheet simply can't take the hit.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Biden administration extends student-loan repayment moratorium until May 2022: Loaning money to cousin Rudy

 Don't lend money to a friend, an ancient proverb advises, because you will lose both your friend and your money.

My cousin Rudy taught me that lesson. A couple of years ago, Rudy called me from the Travis County Jail in Austin, TX, asking me to go his bail.

I can't remember why the Texans locked him up. I think he rolled a homeless man on Congress Avenue or took a leak on the State Capitol grounds. Maybe both.  Rudy was a little vague about the charges.

"You gotta get me out of here," Rudy pleaded. "The jailer is threatening to shave my face and my head. I need a good lawyer."

"How much do you need?" I asked, thinking he would ask for a few hundred dollars.

"I need ten grand," Rudy replied. Ten grand! 

But who can say no to a relative in need? I wired the money. "Just pay me back when you can," I told him.

Did Rudy ever pay back the loan? What do you think?

The federal student loan program is sort of like the money I loaned cousin Rudy. More than 40 million people owe Uncle Sam $1.7 trillion, and most of them aren't paying it back.

In fact, I suspect a few million student-loan debtors have concluded that their loans are really gifts--like the money I wired Rudy.

And the government is encouraging that point of view. The Department of Education has put nine million borrowers into long-term, income-based repayment plans (IBRs).  People in those plans make token payments for up to 25 years, but they will never pay off the principal on their loans.

There are millions more who have gotten economic-hardship forbearances, and they ain't paying nothin.'

And yesterday, the Biden administration extended the moratorium on making student-loan payments until May 1, 2022. By the time the moratorium expires, 27 million student borrowers will have avoided making student-loan payments for more than two years.

Let's face reality. Just like my loan to cousin Rudy, the feds will never collect all of that student-loan debt. 

Just pay me back when you can!

Southerners eat black-eyed peas and cabbage on New Year's Day: Do these foods symbolize prosperity or survival?

According to the Farmer's Almanac, Southerners traditionally eat black-eyed peas, cabbage, and pork on New Year's Day. 

The Almanac says these foods symbolize prosperity. Cabbage represents money, black-eyed peas suggest coins, and pork represents forward motion.

On New Year's Day, I will honor this Southern tradition by eating pork, black-eyed peas, and cabbage.  But I wonder if these foods represent something more fundamental than prosperity. 

Perhaps they symbolize survival.

If you are eating cabbage and black-eyed peas in January, that means you planted a fall garden and were able to harvest your crops.  

If you are eating pork in the winter, that means you slaughtered a hog in the fall and are getting some protein in your diet.

In my mind, the humble foods that Southerners eat on New Year's Day are a sign that we will survive until spring because we made prudent preparations in the fall; we planted winter crops and raised a pig.

This year, I planted a fall garden and began harvesting my produce in early December.  I discovered that broccoli, mustard greens, collards, and cabbage are easy to grow and thrive in cool weather.  

 So, I plan to plant a fall garden every year from now on. For me, my fall garden will be a reminder that I can't depend on the government, the national economy, or the global supply chain to keep me alive in my winter years. Ultimately, I alone am responsible for myself and my family.

(Nevertheless, I hope I am never obliged to own a pig. And I'm not crazy about chickens either.)

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Urgent message from the real world to college administrators: We are sick of academic politics

 I don't care if you are a cool, young wokester with an AOC t-shirt and a biodegradable water bottle or a 90-year-old grandma who wears a MAGA hat and carries a Glock in her purse. Let's all agree on one thing: America is sick of academic politics.

Here are some examples of gratuitous political posturing coming out of our universities. At San Diego State University, a dean tweeted this totally inappropriate message:

Just so we’re clear on the Right’s agenda: racism good, abortion bad, money good, women bad, capitalism good, sustainability bad, stupidity good, science bad, power good, equality bad, white people good, nonwhite people bad. Stench, indeed.

 At MIT, the administration disinvited a University of Chicago professor to give a prestigious lecture because of his unpopular views about colleges' diversity agenda.

And at Buffalo State College, the administration won't rehire a writing instructor because she wrote that she was "sick of talking about Black Lives Matter."

I'm not speaking from a political perspective. I don't give a damn about anybody's politics--particularly the politics of fatuous university administrators.

I'm thinking about the students who are burying themselves in student loans to attend universities run by fools. 

They didn't sign up for a lifetime of debt just to become a captive audience for a bunch of gasbag administrators who think they are entitled to inflict their political views on the paying customers.

To paraphrase Mark Twain, the Constitution gave Americans the right to free speech. Thank God most people are smart enough not to use it.

Woker than thou