Showing posts with label Alvin Bragg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alvin Bragg. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Where did Fani Willis go to law school?

 Fani Willis, a Georgia attorney general, filed criminal charges against former President Donald Trump a few days ago. Although the complaint has some bells and whistles, she's essentially charging Trump with challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election.

The last time I checked, the First Amendment guarantees the right of all Americans to state their opinion on political matters. Certainly, it protects a political candidate's right to challenge the results of an election.

And this gives rise to the question: Where did Ms. Willis go to law school?

She graduated from Emory School of Law. Did Emory stop offering courses on constitutional rights?

However, Willis's outrageous conduct can't be explained by the law school she attended. Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg are prosecuting Trump in different venues. And they both got their law degrees from Harvard. Indeed when we examine the credentials of all the attorneys who have contributed to the foul stew of persecution and malicious behavior toward President Trump, we see that many graduated from elite law schools.

I'm no fan of Donald Trump, and I fervently hope he is not the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election. Nevertheless, it appears more and more likely that he will win the nomination. And surely everyone of sound mind knows that the US Supreme Court will not allow the state of Georgia to imprison a former president or a sitting president on such specious charges as Miss Willis has concocted.

Indeed, the Georgia case against the former president will undoubtedly be removed to federal court. If the case gets assigned to a federal judge who has read the Constitution, most, if not all, of the baloney in Willis's charging documents will be tossed out of court.

A character in one of Cormac McCarthy's novels said that evil has no Plan B because it cannot contemplate the possibility of failure. The Democratic Party is behind all this nonsense against President Trump, and prosecuting him has only made him stronger. 

It needs a plan B but doesn't have one. It needs a plan for removing President Biden and Vice President Harris from office and replacing them with candidates who can win the next presidential election.

Instead, the Democratic Party is playing with fire on both the national and international stage. The world is watching this insanity. The world knows President Joe Biden is a crime boss with dementia. The world knows the United States backed the loser in Russia's war against Ukraine. The world knows that the Biden administration is writing checks on an overdrawn bank account.

Reality will show up in the next few months when the economy collapses, bringing all this craziness to a halt. Many innocent people will suffer before this nation's affairs are straightened out. I fervently hope that the people who suffer most will be the people who created this mess. Curiously, many of these ninnies graduated from the nation's top law schools.